Information for citizens

Information regarding rockfall incidents and road closures - RV888 Bekkarfjordlandet:


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Following last week's rockfall and activity in the mountain area of ​​Bekkarfjordlandet, along with todays adverse weather warnings predicting heavy rainfall, Finnmark Fylkeskommune have decided to close RV888 Bekkarfjordlandet from Wednesday 19th of June 18:00 hours until Thursday 20th of June 12:00 hrs.


Road closures are undertaken as protective measures. In the event of a change in weather conditions, the time of closure can change at short notice.


Finnmark Fylkeskommune have carried out a visual inspection by helicopter. An analysis of risks assosciated will be prepared, and the results will determine the way forward.


Gamvik and Lebesby municipalities are in ongoing dialogue with Finnmark Fylkeskommune regarding the situation.


The municipality asks residents to keep up-to-date at before travelling, and to exercise caution on the stretch of road.


Med vennlig hilsen / Dearvuodaiguin / Ystävälissii tervheissii

Annette Leinan 

Beredskapskoordinator Midt-Finnmark

Publisert: 19.06.2024 11.10
Sist endret: 19.06.2024 11.13